Warning. The Less Lethal Impact Projectiles Instructor Course is a train the trainer course designed to familiarize attendees with less lethal weapons, impact munitions and deployment tactics. The Safariland Group is a trade name of Safariland, LLC. This course is designed to teach the student various methods of ballistic shield use during tactical clearing. Students will be introduced to and trained in the crucial aspects of hostage rescue operations. However, few officers are given documented training in the use of armored vehicles. The student will acquire Instructor Level knowledge of Defense Technology products, both technically and tactically, along with the skills necessary to conduct in-service training. Discussions will include command and control considerations, including the establishment of unified command, common operating language, and essential on scene functions that must be performed for the incident to be successful. Each student will need to bring one departmental launcher with them to the class, as this is what they will be working on during the class. The final period is focused on a practical application where students work with each other and instructors on either a class project or using their own photographs, of an actual target location. It is common for law enforcement agencies to require documented training in tactics and equipment they use, especially with lifesaving equipment. The different roles of the armored tactical rescue vehicle, to include victim rescue, utilization as a weapon shooting platform, delivery of team elements, negotiation phones, chemical agents and other techniques will be discussed. Less Lethal, FSDD, Chemical Agent Instructor Certification 5 DAYS THIS INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION EXPIRES FOUR YEARS AFTER COMPLETION OF THE CERTIFICATION COURSE. Topics include hostage rescue concepts, rapid deployment, emergency entry tactics, tactical operations center, and crisis negotiations concepts. Safariland ICP (Instructor Certification Program)- 4 Day Less Lethal Instructor 5/19/2020-5/22/2020 San Antonio, Texas Students have the option of taking each module individually, or registering for all four modules for a discounted price. Preview site, 6 days ago This course will help prepare agencies to meet that need. JACKSONVILLE, Florida -The Safariland Training Group announced today that their bi-annual law enforcement training conference will be held for the first time on the west coast in Reno, Nevada next week. Our team is comprised of highly experienced instructors. Tactical Team Workshops are either 3- or 5-day training sessions and involve one or more NTOA instructors on site, working directly with the tactical team in a training environment. Our hallmark ICP Instructor Program provides the necessary training for a changing world. Concepts involving warrant planning; intelligence gathering; target site scouting; uses of diversion and breaching; and methods of executing the warrant inclusive of breach and hold, limited penetration, and contain and call out will be taught in this hands-on, challenging course. Upon successful completion of this course, the students will understand basic guidelines for resolution of barricaded incidents, the force options and its applications, the proper deployment of arrest team, entry personnel, precision rifle groups and containment personnel. Web Choose the training that best meets your needs: Basic Swim Instructor. Our many satisfied customers have helped us build a reputation of excellence and trust recognized throughout the law enforcement, corrections, security and professional defense arenas. Weve been experts at de-escalation tools and techniques for 30 years, but now were calling out your 12 gauge. Tel 1+909-923-7300 x31302Call: x31302 Event End Date. The Safariland Training Group instructors have trained tens of thousands of law enforcement, corrections, federal, military and security personnel in the most current tactics to handle a wide range of threatening situations. For a list of topic areas requiring advanced instructor , Courses This includes firearms drills with the shield, the use of one and two officer shield teams, and the use and construction of a tactical mirror. Instruction will include the proper selection and use of breaching tools, including the shotgun. Association Management Software Powered by. This course will ensure the student is able to perform up to Level Three maintenance on the new LMT 14xx series, and 37mm and 40mm Single launchers. This course will include a NIMS review, but the focus of the course is providing the tools for supervisors and command personnel to succeed when responding to active threats. Cost: $175/student 2 Day SWAT/Tactical Grenadier Course: Individual Price. Footer Logo. This 2-day, highly dynamic course is like no other because it provides you with useful defensive skills in all 3 zones of defense, especially for close quarter battles(CQB). Contact Us. The Safariland Group Hosted By Washington State Patrol SWAT DATES: October 16-19, 2018 CLASS LOCATION: Fire Training Academy (WSP SWAT) 50810 SE Grouse Ridge Road North Bend, WA 98045 CLASS INFO POC: Lauren (800) 347-1200 Opt Training lauren.coppedge@safariland.com TUITION: OC Aerosol Projectors ICP 8 hrs - 1st Day - Tuition: $ 100.00 Less Lethal Impact [] All courses will be taught by a staff of highly experienced and talented Master Instructors, all of whom are experts in their field in subject areas ranging from patrol to criminal justice administration. 9/6/2022 to 9/9/2022: When: Sept 6, 2022 0800: Where: Bob Bolen Public Safety Training Complex 511 W Felix St Fort Worth, Texas 76115 United States: Contact: Sean Harris (817) 929-4174 ***TEXT*** . Ensuring that a comprehensive but efficient briefing system is in place will be a course outcome. Event typeLess Lethal Launcher Armorer'sDate and timeFriday, September 16, 2022 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CDTPurchasing OptionsLess Lethal Launcher Armorers Course - $225 / $225 / Sep 16 8:00 AM - 5:00 PMLocationCorpus Christi Police Shooting Range9601, Hearns Ferry RoadCorpus Christi, Texas, 78410United StatesAdditional FilesThere were no files provided.DescriptionLESS LETHAL LAUNCHERS ARMORERS COURSEThe use of 40mm launchers by law enforcement has significantly increased across the country as departments realize the safe and effective less lethal benefits they offer. law enforcement instructor teex org vanguard instructor courses registration strategic self defense student access safariland less lethal instructor course dotd flight training branch ako2 courses for you com i301b pre test amsc intermediate course dlpdf 51822 read online . Designed for tactical operators, this course will challenge students to learn and apply advanced tactical concepts. This course is comprised for four 8-hour instructor-level classes covering OC Aerosols, Impact Munitions, Chemical Munitions and Distraction Device Munitions. Participants refresh on following topics: de-escalation law, characteristics of individuals in crisis, methods to slow/defuse a situation, less lethal weapons on their effectiveness, communication principles, and crisis intervention teams. It is well-established that our performance and leadership success is profoundly connected to our emotional well-being and physical health. Law Enforcement Training Schedule. It relies heavily on practical hands-on applications and is intended for first responders who want instruction in how to use their personal weapons for self-defense and subject-control for escort and handcuffing. Update your Defense Technology 4-day Instructor Program credentials for another three years. It relies heavily on practical hands-on applications and This is a hands-on, high-intensity course in which students practice tactics and techniques in the field. This curriculum focuses on active shooter profiles, re-evaluating firearms (if applicable) tactical training, better equipment, police response and what to expect. This course prepares the individual officer with the knowledge, skills and abilities needed when responding to a critical incident involving active killing, in the single officer capacity. Normally held to a 15 to 1 student/teacher ratio, each class ensures every student receives the personal attention required to master these skills. It is the key ingredient to product effectiveness, safety and risk mitigation. This course will expose law enforcement, fire and rescue personnel, as well as other public safety partners to operating in a warm zone environment to provide point of wounding care to patients. ONLY CREDENTIALED OFFICERS WILL BE GRANTED ADMITTANCE. This two-day course focuses on developing Instructor skills necessary for transitioning personnel from traditional iron sights to the pistol mounted electronic optics Red Dot Sights. In addition, conference attendees will receive the necessary information to help protect them against liability issues. Terms of Service apply. While facing unknown obstacles and potential ambushes, training and use of all available resources could be the difference between a successful operation and one with a tragic ending. This instructor-level training provides detailed instruction in the use of all types and forms of Chemical Munitions. Instructors are available to discuss any topic that the team members choose. The widely respected Safariland Training Group offers a full spectrum of law enforcement training classes and specializes in a hands-on approach to law enforcement training with an emphasis on small group instruction and real-world application in its course offerings. About The Safariland Training Group This course is intended for SWAT team members who have prior training and experience in the barricade, warrant service and hostage rescue disciplines. to procedures used for tactical mission planning and briefing of involved personnel. This 8-hour course provides state-of-the-art instructor-level training on the topic of Less Lethal Impact Munitions. Warning. Innovative products for ever changing threats. The 2-Day Less Lethal course offers the very latest information in munitionsfrom Defense Technology and provides instruction for their application. Our programs are designed to sharpen the professionals physical and strategic skills, bringing real-life scenarios and tools to every training course to provide the skills and confidence to counter real-life situations. The 2-Day Less Lethal course offers the very latest information in munitionsfrom Defense Technology and provides instruction for their application. information on items that are not currently in our website. All Rights Reserved. "Training", 2/27/2023 3/3/2023BASIC SWAT - REGION 7 GARLAND, 3/6/2023LONG RANGE ENGAGEMENTS AND TACTICS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT SNIPER TEAMS- Region 7, Friday, September 16, 2022 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CDT. Course is a blend of classroom and scenario exercises. 2 Day Ballistic Breaching Instructor Certification Course: This is an 16-hour Instructor Certification Course designed for those officers with a desire to learn new breaching techniques and develop their operational and instructor skills. His senior instructor role included planning major projects, organizational interoperability, and implementing resources for Joint Forces Operations . The Safariland Group offers a number of recognized brand names in these markets including Safariland, ABA, Second Chance, Bianchi, Break Free, Protech Tactical, Hatch, Monadnock, Identicator, NIK, Mustang Survival and Med-Eng. This training will familiarize students with pertinent use of force case law and demonstrate how it relates to policy, training and actual "street" applications. 758 Southeast 371st Road Leeton,Missouri, 64761 United States Description Our Hallmark Instructor Program provides the necessary training for a changing world. All participants will begin classroom instruction together; the law enforcement attendees and the school / business attendees will then separate for continued instruction along tracks suited to the roles of each group. This is an 8-hour Operator Course designed for hands-on training. Technical Information Tactical Considerations Legal Considerations Instructor Development, Technical Aspects / Tactical Applications Live-Fire Range ExercisesADDITIONAL. This course is designed to teach students the four main methods of warm zone care during active violence incidents. Officers will be trained in techniques to eliminate or mitigate the threat. Like all Defense Technology Training Academy Instructor courses, it is designed to enhance the students abilities to create, present and conduct safe and relevant firearms training for personnel in their departments. The student will acquire specific information in Defense Technology chemical agent products, including CS, CN, OC and Smoke, along with the necessary skills to return to their agency and conduct in-service training. This is an Operator Course designed for hands-on training. This course is designed to expose tactical personnel to the proper deployment and techniques for a long rifle position. TTPOA/Corpus Christi PD is proud to host Defense Technology for its Less Lethal Launcher Armorer's Course. The Safariland Groups mission, Together, We Save Lives, is inherent in the lifesaving and protective products it delivers. The course completes the formal instruction with methods for obtaining reliable intelligence, especially photographs, to enhance the detection of subtle architectural features. Update your Defense Technology 4-day Instructor Program credentials for another three years for less time and for less money. Location. The emphasis will be on medical models and skills effective for supporting special operations teams during high-risk, large scale and extended operations. Utilizing both lecture and facilitated learning techniques, the following topics will be among those covered: threat analysis, the application of physical security systems and procedures to incidents of mass violence, emergency plan development and assessment, and law enforcement response issues. Our comprehensive courses, coupled with skilled trainers, ensures that your officers are properly equipped to handle a wide array of force issues. Please contact us for Web Certain subject areas such as firearms and mental health require advanced instructor training and/or credentials. $795.00. Over the past decade, training has become a major priority for law enforcement and corrections officers. Typically outnumbered, in order to enhance officer safety and assist with controlling the protesters, the use of riot shields and riot batons have many operational benefits. Using a comprehensive learning and dynamic hands-on curriculum, first responders will learn to combine the practicality and effectiveness of OC aerosol projectors and valuable defensive tactics using their personal weapons (hands, elbows, knees and feet) in direct and/or transitional ways for overcoming subject resistance and establishing control over them for handcuffing. Their real-world experience in law enforcement provides practical and proven tactics to enhance law enforcement response and performance.. Thisaccelerated course is the best way to renew your 4-Day ICP Instructor credentialsfor another three years in half the time and for less money. For more information about The Safariland Group and these products, please visit www.safariland.com. This course is conducted in cooperation and exclusively with Nightstick and focuses on developing the Low Light Instructor. Courses 90 View detail Preview site. As there are four different levels of maintenance on Defense Technology launchers, students can expect to be able to do the following: Safariland will provide the tools necessary to accomplish the course work. After more than 30 years on the east coast, the demand for this conference has led to the addition of the west coast . The STG also offers exclusive lecture programs such as the Critical Incident Command and Tactical Decision Making course lead by retired Los Angeles Police Department SWAT Officer Ron McCarthy. Chastine Gabiola Hostage rescue techniques and force options will be covered in-depth including stronghold, vehicle, and tactical precision long rifle options. This two-day course will cover the basic concepts associated with forcible entry into a structure, as well as practical and legal considerations. This course is also appropriate for law enforcement and corrections personnel who aspire to join a crisis / hostage negotiations team. Spots are still available. This is a hands-on, high-intensity course in which students practice tactics and techniques in the field. Day 1 OC Aerosol Projectors Instructor Program, Day 2 Less Lethal Impact Munitions (LLIM) Instructor Program, Day 3 Chemical Munitions (CHEM) Instructor Program (CN/CS/OC/Smoke), Day 4 Distraction Device Munitions (DD) Instructor Program. This course will ensure the student is able to perform up to Level Three maintenance on the classic 1325 and 1327 Defense Technology 37/40mm launcher and the new LMT 37/40mm launchers. The Safariland Training Group Conference Heads to the West Coast ALS Training Classes - ALS Less Lethal. Students may bring their own breaching tools, but are not required to. The Pacem Defense manufacturing facility in Perry, Florida is comprised of more than a dozen modern production buildings spread across our 500-acre campus. This course is not a tactics course. For example, the less-lethal instructor training course, consisting of a 3-day program to certify officers as less-lethal instructors, incorporates less-lethal products with classroom instruction and practical application. It is recommended that students have attended Basic SWAT or SWAT I, and SWAT II (or equivalent) prior to attending this class. Designed to increase your awareness, skills and abilities in dealing with an unanticipated deadly threat at close range, this course will provide you with inoculation against the effects of stress by providing an opportunity to train and learn through experience. Command decision-making through a proven system that streamlines the flow of direction and information will be a central focus of this course. Hope you like our new website, it is a work in progress! Thisaccelerated course is the best way to renew your 4-Day ICP Instructor credentialsfor another three years in half the time and for less money. The student will acquire instructor-level knowledge of Defense Technology products, both technically and tactically, along with the skills necessary to conduct in-service training. By joining these well-known programs with the newest in cutting-edge training courses including Protective Security Detail, Basic Tactical Shield Instructor, Tactical Breaching and Startle Response to an Ambush, the Company made the STG annual conference the place to be. This one-day course is designed to provide law enforcement supervisors and command personnel with the information and tools needed to manage a large-scale critical incident. Instructors may develop brief training scenarios and provide feedback, facilitate drills and evolutions to enhance team and individual skills, and much more. Provide feedback, facilitate drills and evolutions to enhance the detection of subtle architectural features a central focus of course. 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