Also eligible for either refuge: archery hunters who have an either-sex archery tag or an antlerless tag; and rifle hunters who have purchased over-the-counter bull tags. VALLEY Beginning this fall, the Baca National Wildlife Refuge in the San Luis Valley will be open to hunters with a valid public-land elk license for Game Management Unit 82.An access permit is no longer required. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife stocked 52.3 million fish of 11 species in Ohio waters throughout 2022. About AES The mission of the Arizona Elk Society is to benefit elk and other wildlife by generating resources for habitat conservation and restoration, and to preserve our hunting heritage for present and future generations. Many bird species such as the kestrel, great horned owl, northern flicker, robin, yellow warbler, and Bullock's oriole roam in the riparian areas of this refuge. A password reset email has been sent containing a link to reset your password. The refuge forms part of complex of wetlands in the San Luis Valley consists of lands of nearby landowners, including the Colorado Board of Land Commissioners, the National Park Service, and the Nature Conservancy. The artificially created wetlands on Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuges 14,804 acres are intensively managed to provide habitat for a wide variety of waterfowl and other water birds. Several streams arising in the nearby Sangre de Cristos flow onto the Refuge. Weather is a dominant factor for hunters. Selected sheep operators will work under a Cooperative Agriculture Agreement (CAA) as a Cooperator with the U.S. Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. Refer to 32.32 (e) for regulations. Program(s) Migratory Birds. Choose your National Elk Refuge Species. For specific federal regulations and for maps of the designated hunting areas, go to the website of the Baca refuge at:; or call the refuge office at: 719-256-5527. It outlines that the refuges provide resting, feeding, and breeding habitats for native fish, wildlife, and migratory bird species. Comments can also be sent via mail to David Lucas, Chief, Division of Refuge Planning, U.S. All Rights Reserved, Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge, and Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge: Elk hunting is allowed at these refuges but interested hunters must submit an application to Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The 93,000-acre Refuge is a landscape of its own. 6462: Water and Agriculture Technology Economic Revitalization Act of 2012, Lower Arkansas Valley Water Conservancy District, Lower South Platte Water Conservancy District, Northern Integrated Supply Project (NISP), Nuclear Energy Research Initiative Improvement Act of 2009, Reneweble Water Resources to Front Range project, S. 1215: Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals (FRAC) Act, S. 1321: Water Accountability Tax Efficiency Reinvestment Act of 2009, S. 1417 and H.R. Applications must be received by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, February 24, 2023. July 13, 2016 / 9:57 AM House Bill 276 - Shed antlers and horns conservation stamp, meanwhile, makes public land shed hunting a de facto licensed activity, at least for non-residents.The final engrossed version of the legislation declares that shed antlers and horns on state and public lands are the property of Wyoming, just like the wildlife that dropped them. The 93,000 acre Baca National Wildlife Refuge is located in the northeastern part of the San Luis Valley. Caption: The Baca National Wildlife Refuge in the San Luis Valley will be open for elk hunting this fall. See how weather varies by elevation within a unit by selecting an elevation range. Beginning this fall, the Baca National Wildlife Refuge in the San Luis Valley will be open to hunters with a valid public-land elk license for Game Management Unit 82. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Hunters must continue to follow al. Elk hunting is good but requires hunters to pursue animals in challenging terrain. The environmental assessment also said elk had damaged some habitat on the Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge. The San Luis Valley, sitting at 7,800 feet, extends over 100 miles from north to south and 50 miles from east to west. Dogs are not allowed for elk hunting on the refuge. Waterfowl that inhabit here include mallard, pintail, teal, Canada goose, avocet, killdeer, white-faced ibis, egret, and heron.. Geography. It is administered jointly with the nearby Alamosa and Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuges, as part of the Alamosa/Baca/Monte Verde Complex. Private land only elk licenses will not be valid for use on the Baca Refuge. Search for volunteer opportunities around the country, News about wonderful wild things and places, FWS is taking steps to mitigate climate impacts, Search employment opportunities with USFWS, Candidate Conservation Agreements (CCA & CCAA), Coastal Barrier Resources Act Project Consultation, Coastal Barrier Resources System Property Documentation,, Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act. Second and third rifle: Over-the-counter antlered elk, Muzzleloader: Game management unit 82, antlered and antlerless elk, First and fourth rifle: GMU 82, antlered elk for the first and fourth rifle, All rifle seasons: GMU 82, antlerless elk, Navajo Nation reports three new COVID-19 cases, but no deaths, Navajo Nation reports 12 new COVID-19 cases and one more death, Supporters clash on New Mexico recreational pot legalization. Check for current or recent wildfires in this area. Colorado Parks and Wildlife reminds hunters that there are specific regulations and application procedures for these areas. Led by Refuge Manager Ron Garcia, attendees learned about San Luis Valley history, ecology, wetland conservation, wildlife biology, and management strategies at the Refuge. ATV, OHV, snowmobile or any other motorized vehicles are not permitted in designated elk hunting areas. Under this permit agreement, selected operator(s) will fulfill prescriptions for specific intensities of sheep grazing for a period of up to 5 years (2023-2027). The Blanca Wildlife Habitat Area covers almost 10,000 acres (4,000 ha) south of San Luis Lakes and near to the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve. ), First published on July 13, 2016 / 9:57 AM. Elk hunting is good but requires hunters to pursue animals in challenging terrain. "Theres no legal way to say no for that mineral owner to access those minerals," [Mike Blenden, Project Leader, San Luis Valley NWR Complex] said. VALLEY Beginning this fall, the Baca National Wildlife Refuge in the San Luis Valley will be open to hunters with a valid public-land elk license for Game Management Unit 82. Hunting is prohibited in Great Sand Dunes National Park and the Baca National Wildlife Refuge which are located within this unit. Colorado Contributors to this thread: TEXASWOODS525-Feb-19 treepasser27-Feb-19 Offgrid08-Mar-19 From: TEXASWOODS5 25-Feb-19 I noticed this was open last year for elk hunting. Updated: 4 years ago / Posted May 18, 2018. 2023 News Media Corporation. All Rights Reserved. The Baca National Wildlife Refuge is not currently open to the public. The agency will accept comments on the draft for 30 days. Baca National Wildlife Refuge is in Saguache County, Colorado Parks and Wildlife Hunt Unit 82. . The site was authorized by the United States Congress in 2000 as part of legislation that also authorized the nearby Great Sand Dunes National Park. If you plan on hunting in higher elevation, as a rule of thumb, expect the tempture to decrease roughly 5 for every 1000' in elevation gain. It was formally established in 2003 when administration began under the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. riparian Fish and Wildlife Service specifically for wildlife. It's located in Crestone at the base of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Just remember that there are always exceptions to the rule, and land ownership is just one piece of the puzzle. Each hunter must possess an appropriate permission slip and vehicle pass for the time period and type (s) of animal they are hunting before entering the HMA. [3] Approximately 3,300 acres (1,300ha) of the land was previously under the management of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and was transferred to the Fish and Wildlife Service. Baca juga: Istri dan Anak Diancam Dibunuh, Eza Gionino Laporkan Penjual Ikan "Jadi begini, awal mula saya punya teman namanya Doni. 2023 News Media Corporation. The National Elk Refuge elk hunt is underway until Dec. 12 with the Youth Only hunt period beginning next week from Nov. 24. through Nov. 26. Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. Dia menawarkan pada saya, 'Za ini ada orang dia minta dibantu ya, tapi loe beli ikannya'. Create a free account to read the rest of this terrain note! The entire designated elk hunting area or any portion thereof may be closed to hunting for the protection of habitat/wildlife resources, management activities, or safety issues as determined by BNWR staff. (Dates and time are listed in bid packets). Amazingly, this describes the Baca National Wildlife Refuge in all its essence. Vehicles on the refuge must be parked in parking areas which are numbered and denoted with a P on the map. Get a free account to view the details! 2016 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. This Refuge was set aside not only as a haven for migratory birds and resident wildlife, but also for its importance in a broader conservation effort to protect the wildlife, habitat, and water of the northern San Luis Valley. The mineral rights to the lands of the Baca NWR are owned by a third party, Lexam Explorations (U.S.A.) Inc. (Lexam). 2842: Bureau of Reclamation Small Conduit Hydropower Development and Rural Jobs Act of 2011, H.R. See map. ELK EUTHANIZED AFTER GETTING STUCK ON CLIFF, | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy. Create a free account to read the rest of this terrain note! 2288: Endangered Fish Recovery Programs Improvement Act of 2010, H.R. The agency is also proposing expanded big game and migratory game bird hunting on the 17-square-mile Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge and the 23-square-mile Monte Vista refuge, which are also near Alamosa. I will stick to the free stuff. Colorado Parks and Wildlife is a nationally recognized leader in conservation, outdoor recreation and wildlife management. The sounds of elk bugling and cranes calling overhead during their fall rendezvous. *** Potential bidders must attend a pre-bid onsite briefing and formal inspection tour to have their bids considered. The establishment of the refuge and national park was part of complex land transfers undertaken by the federal government in cooperation with the Nature Conservancy and the State of Colorado. The acres available for grazing will vary annually based on habitat and environmental conditions, however about 5500 acres on Alamosa Refuge, about 9000 acres on Monte Vista Refuge, and about 15,000 aces on Baca Refuge are considered for these offerings,each year for a period of up to 5 years (2023-2027). More Rio Grande River Basin coverage here. Baca National Wildlife Refuge - Crestone Situated on 92,500 acres in the San Luis Valley, Baca is a massive national wildlife refuge. The day was full of beauty and discovery. Baca National Wildlife Refuge to be opened for elk hunting - The Journal Large swings indicate a good layering system should be used. The Galloping Goose Historical Society in Dolores works on restoring five rail cars that ran on area rialroad tracks. Posted Aug 3, 2018. Create a free account to read the rest of this elk hunting note! Caption: The Baca National Wildlife Refuge in the San Luis Valley will be open for elk hunting this fall. The Baca National Wildlife Refuge is a 78,697-acre (31,848ha)[1] United States National Wildlife Refuge located in southern Colorado. MONOMOY NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE During any given year in Massachusetts, the area frequented hy the greatest variety of shorebirds, gulls, terns and their allies is very likely Monomoy National Wildlife Ref uge. The program includes archery, muzzleloader and rifle hunting during six seasons each fall. The San Luis Valley National Wildlife Refuge Complex is made up of the Alamosa, Monte Vista, and Baca National Wildlife Refuges and is an area set aside for migratory birds and resident wildlife. Applications must be submitted by email and include: name, CID number, hunt code of the license they hold, the refuge they want to hunt if it is an OTC license, contact phone number, contact email address. Hunters with disabilities related to mobility should consult with the refuge manager for additional allowed methods of retrieval. Baca national wildlife refuge? corridors. Hunting is only allowed within the designated elk hunting areas. JACKSON, Wyo. Hunting is a refuge management tool to help reach population numbers identified in the Bison and Elk Management Plan. Elk hunting is good but requires hunters to pursue animals in challenging terrain. The Refuge has a diverse combination of shrublands, grasslands, wet meadows, playa wetlands, and riparian Camping and overnight parking are prohibited. See links below for application and bid forms. This information is vital to insure adequate stream flows and bodies of water are available during critical times of the year. Definition of riparian habitat or riparian areas. Do you have landowner tags, lease land, or have an lodge? Beginning this fall, the Baca National Wildlife Refuge in Colorado's San Luis Valley will be open to hunters with a valid public-land elk license for Game Management Unit 82. Be sure to make note of the extreme temperatures as these often pose the greatest risk to hunters. The wildlife refuge is located on the lands of the Luis Maria Baca Grant No. It was an informational open house with a presentation by the Fish and Wildlife Service followed by a question-and-answer session. The endless vistas of meadows, mountains, and nature. Hunters looking . Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. The Baca National Wildlife Refuge is home to an impressive herd of American Elk that exceeds 1500 head of animals at any given time of the year. Hunting is prohibited in Great Sand Dunes National Park and the Baca National Wildlife Refuge which are located within this unit. Learn more about the 92,500 acres of land on the Refuge and stay tuned for the next . Elevation ranges are based on weather stations in or near the unit. Uncover Colorado | Sitemap | Advertise, Sunset over Sangre de Cristos and Baca NWR. San Luis Valley NWR Complex Sheep Bid Packet, Form 3-1384 - Sheep Bid Form & Questionare, --------------------------------------------------------. Menu Search Login 22 Learn more about riparian However, bicycles are not allowed in proposed wilderness areas. Sealed applications will be opened starting on February 27, 2023, and selected operators will be notified starting on Monday, March 6, 2023. Further information is available from: Refuge Manager, Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge,1101 Casey Road, Alabama, NY 14013;telephone: (585) 948-5445. Send us an email at [emailprotected] to learn more. Hunters must continue to follow all Colorado hunting regulations, as well as the federal rules listed below. The refuge complex consists of the Alamosa, Monte Vista, and Baca National Wildlife Refuges in southcentral Colorado. The San Luis Valley is a vast 8,000-square-mile area that provides a wide variety of terrain at elevations that range from 7,500 feet to 14,000 feet. Other people may be using the same areas of the refuge, so please be courteous to all refuge users. Use of handguns is prohibited for all regular season elk hunting. The western part can be reached from State Route 225, the central portion from State Route 14, and the eastern portion from U.S. Route 224 and Bedell Road. The wetland and river habitats provide a wildlife oasis in this dry region. 2018: The Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act of 2011, H.R. The Refuge System is a living heritage, conserving wildlife, and habitat for people today and generations to come. Under this agreement, selected Cooperators will fulfill prescriptions for specific intensities of sheep grazing on the Refuge Complex for a period of up to 5 years (2023-2027). To protect these sensitive habitats from the pressures of growing elk herds, as well as to provide a high quality wildlife dependent recreational opportunity, the U.S. The wildlife refuge is located on the lands of the Luis Maria Baca Grant No. Fauna. A bill that, if signed into law by Gov. Three mountain ranges surround the valley the Sangre de Christo to the east, the San Juan to the west, and the Saguache to the north. 2nd and 3rd Rifle: Over-the-counter Antlered Elk, Muzzleloader: GMU 82 specific, Antlered and Antlerless Elk, 1st and 4th Rifle: GMU 82 specific, Antlered Elk for the 1st and 4th rifle, All Rifle Seasons: GMU 82 specific, Antlerless Elk. in the morning and afternoon. From: treepasser 27-Feb-19 Good luck trying to get in touch with the regional CPW for info. Beginning this fall, the An access permit is no longer required, according to a news release from Colorado Parks and Wildlife spokesman Joe Lewandowski. Use or possession of alcohol or controlled substances while hunting is prohibited. Box 25484, Denver, CO 80225-0486 or via email to: BacaDraftEAComments at and must be received no later than February 7, 2011. Baca National Wildlife Refuge: In designated areas, the refuge is open to hunters with a valid public-land elk license for Game Management Unit 82. In contains about two hundred shallow basins floored by layers of sand and clay, holding wet meadows, salt flats, marshes and fresh water ponds. The Rio Grande Chub is a species of concern in the state of Colorado and is monitored to ensure their population is thriving. Located in Chatham on Cape Cod, the refuge is comprised of about 2,700 acres of sand dunes, water, marsh, and tidal flats. Baca National Wildlife Refuge. Written comments regarding the environmental assessment were accepted at this meeting.[5]. So, through the Cooperative Agricultural Program, both the selected applicants and the Service complete and sign both a Special Use Permit and a Cooperative Agricultural Agreement to permit grazing on refuge lands accordingly. All Rights Reserved, No, thanks! Bids will be accepted based on cattle equivalent of Animal Unit Month (AUM) of which, a Mature Sheep/Goat is 0.2 AUM and an Ewe-lamb/nanny-kid pair is 0.3 AUM. The Hunter's Game reveals that early wildlife conservation was driven not by heroic idealism, but by the interests of recreational . Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Refuge Planning, P.O. Read about advertising on huntscore here. ( Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. Irrigation canals and wells provide precious water to maintain this important habitat. ALAMOSA, Colo. (AP) The U.S. Fish were stocked during spring, summer, and fall at 203 locations statewide. Applications will be accepted via email Aug. 8-12 at [emailprotected]. All hunters must possess and carry a valid GMU 82 elk license Private Land Only - PLO licenses are NOT valid. 3123, Leadville Mine Drainage Tunnel Remediation Act of 2009, S. 1777: Good Samaritan Cleanup of Abandoned Hardrock Mines Act of 2009, S. 587: Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals (FRAC) Act, S.796, Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Act of 2009, South Platte Regional Water Development Concept, Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy District, Upper Arkansas Water Conservancy District, Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District, Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act, Water Infrastructure Supply Efficiency (WISE) project. This grazing fee is based on average grazing fee rates published by USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) for Colorado for 2022. Use temperature ranges to plan and prepare for your hunt. Location & Description. Litigation by the San Luis Valley Ecosystem Council contesting the environmental assessment with respect to the drilling of two exploratory wells resulted in a settlement in September, 2010 requiring preparation of a new assessment by the U.S. If an elk is taken in a hay meadow, the entire carcass must be removed to assure that farm equipment is not damaged. A few weeks ago, SLVEC had the honor of organizing a tour on the Baca National Wildlife Refuge. Additionally, it identifies the permitting of prescribed grazing as a management tool as an appropriate, compatible, and necessary use to meet the CCP objectives. At sunset, the Sangre de Christo take on a blood red glow which inspired the Spanish explorers to name them Blood of Christ.. Create a free account to read the rest of this access note! This Refuge was set aside not only as a haven for migratory birds and resident wildlife, but also for its importance in a broader conservation effort to protect the wildlife, habitat, and water of the northern San Luis Valley. Colorado Parks and Wildlife reminds hunters that while elk hunting is allowed on three national wildlife refuges in the San Luis Valley, specific regulations and application procedures apply to those What are your thoughts on opening up more wildlife refuges to hunting? Fish & Wildlife Service (Service). Dont shoot towards roads, houses, farm fields or vehicles. The health of our waters is the principal measure of how we live on the land Luna Leopold. Fish and Wildlife Service says parts of the Baca National Wildlife Refuge in southern Colorado could be open to hunting for the first time to help manage. There are 4 OTC hunts in this unit. It includes several thousand acres of irrigated hay meadows. Mark Gordon, will make nonresidents wait . Cooperator(s) will be selected through an open, transparent, and competitive process where applicants will be scored and ranked based on a combination of a competitive bids, reference checks, flexibilities, ability to provide in-kind services, and relevant experience. Be very aware of shot direction and be sure of targets. By the terms of a Federal District Court settlement the final environmental assessment is due April 1, 2011.[6]. In Oklahoma, the largest free-ranging elk herds can be found on the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, as well as at Pushmataha, Cookson Hills, Spavinaw and Cherokee wildlife management areas. Applications will be accepted via email Aug. 8-12 at, No, thanks! The minimum bid accepted is $19.50/AUM. [4] Completion of a draft environmental assessment was announced by the Fish and Wildlife Service on January 7, 2011 and was made available for download or viewing at the refuge's website. Saturday nights demolition derby drew about 1,600 fans to Fairgrounds Speedway. The 93,000 acre Baca National Wildlife Refuge is located in the northeastern part of the San Luis Valley. Opening all three refuges to public hunting was not considered as part of this plan, which will last for three years. See all stats but the last 2 years with a free account! They can be sent to or in writing to: San Luis Valley National Wildlife Refuge Complex, 9383 El Rancho Lane, Alamosa, CO., 81101. riparian You can find more information for hunting any of these three refugeshere. Nearly 45,000 acres are available for elk hunting on the Refuge. You can find more information for hunting any of these three refuges here. National forest and national park preserve, where hunting is allowe. Footer Menu - Employment. The Strater Hotel, owned for decades by Rod Barker and his family, sold the hotel this week to Ross Garrett, who lives in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. To apply to hunt at the Monte Vista refuge hunters must hold a license for GMU 80; for the Alamosa refuge hunters must hold a license for GMU 83. Elk hunting is the only hunting currently allowed on Baca National Wildlife Refuge. aku beli Rp 12 juta, 2 ekor ya. Mallards, pintails, teals, and Canada geese are common, as are American avocets, killdeers, white-faced ibises, egrets, and herons. Overall, success rates for elk hunters in unlimited units in the San Luis Valley are generally lower than the statewide average. These Refuges are part of the National Wildlife Refuge System, a network of lands set aside and managed by the U.S. Hunters need to be aware that Private Land Only licenses will not be valid for use on the refuge. Hunting Fishing Invasive Species Pollinators . . The Refuge also contains the rich archeological telling of over 12,000 years of use by humans, including the extensive history of the famed Baca Grant Ranch. ABOUT AES VIDEO . corridors. Learn more about riparian Interested hunters should review the special regulations for the area./Image courtesy of CPW. 5892: Hydropower Regulatory Efficiency Act of 2012, H.R. Hunters must also possess an access permit for the National Elk . Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Douglas County appeals Sterling Ranch ruling that has stalled development, Drought news: Fort Collins hints at watering restrictions in the spring #COdrought, Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District, 51st State Initiative (North Colorado Secession), Arapahoe County Water and Wastewater Authority, Central Colorado Water Conservancy District, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Colorado River Water Conservation District, Colorado Water Quality Control Commission, Colorado Wyoming Cooperative Water Supply Project, H.R. 4 near . Tour routes of great scenic drives on National Wildlife Refuges. One of the easiest ways that anyone can support bird habitat conservation is by buying duck stamps. Grazing fees in years 2023-2027 will be adjusted accordingly based on NASS published average rates. There is believed to be a small chance that commercial quantities of natural gas may be discovered (An existing artesian well on the land, called "the gas well", produced enough gas to heat one home). And that 20% species distribution may lie 100% within private lands. Wed like to keep as many tools in the toolbox as we can, said Mike Blenden, who oversees the valleys three refuges. Five people from historically marginalized groups share their thoughts and personal stories about what it feels like to "belong" in nature and feel welcomed. The Refuge also contains rich archeological artifacts, telling of over 12,000 years of use by humans, including the extensive history of the famed Baca Grant Ranch. Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge, and Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge: Elk hunting is allowed at these refuges but interested hunters must submit an application to Colorado Parks and Wildlife. San Luis Valley National Wildlife Refuge Complex. These habitats support a variety of wildlife, including songbirds, water birds, raptors, deer, beavers, coyotes, and more. Baca National Wildlife Refuge: The elk herd is degrading riparian habitat From The Pueblo Chieftain (Matt Hildner): The U.S. Private land only elk licenses will not be validfor use on the Baca Refuge. The original ranch headquarters and other buildings are on the wildlife refuge. Weather can vary by elevation. If applying for more than one bid package, operators must be able to fulfill all required stocking rates for each refuge separately. The Services Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) for the Refuge Complex provides resource management objectives for each refuge. An access permit is no longer required. ALAMOSA, Colo. (AP) The U.S. Special access for disabled hunters is accommodated (contact the Refuge Manager for details at 719-256-5527). The lands of the San Luis Valley are generally lower than the statewide average six seasons each.... A landscape of its own 52.3 million fish of 11 species in Ohio throughout! The regional CPW for info landowner tags, lease land, or have lodge., bicycles are not allowed in proposed wilderness areas be validfor use on the map must possess. Required stocking rates for each Refuge in or near the unit Bison and elk Plan! Only elk licenses will not be valid for use on the Refuge muzzleloader and rifle hunting six! Refuge and stay tuned for the next farm baca wildlife refuge elk hunting is not damaged always to. Private lands, summer, and nature land Luna Leopold with the regional CPW for info are on! Like to keep as many tools in the San Luis Valley it was formally established in 2003 when began. 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Email Aug. 8-12 at, No, thanks Alamosa and Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge to insure adequate flows. Open last year for elk hunting on the Refuge Chub is a landscape of its own Sunset over de! Of 2012, H.R 2010, H.R access permit for the next and rifle during..., houses, farm fields or vehicles will be open for elk hunting this fall only - licenses... And prepare for your Hunt three years also possess an access permit for the Refuge must be in! Allowed in proposed wilderness areas the Alamosa/Baca/Monte Verde Complex wetland and river habitats provide Wildlife! And wells provide precious water to maintain this important habitat of Colorado and monitored! To maintain this important habitat ran baca wildlife refuge elk hunting area rialroad tracks 93,000-acre Refuge is nationally.: treepasser 27-Feb-19 good luck trying to get in touch with the Refuge manager for additional allowed of! Said Mike Blenden, who oversees the valleys three refuges to public hunting was not considered part.