Comments: In a effort to move from the unhealthy political blocks of Westminster, I am recommending (R) JOHN GENTILE for Dist 1. This PROP would also allow tribes to offer new games like roulette and craps, too. CONSERVATIVE VOTER GUIDE 2022 October 03, 2022 Home; HCGOP NEWS; CONSERVATIVE VOTER GUIDE 2022; Spread the Word! COMMENTS: This district is largely in LA County. Judicial Races; National State Local; Past Elections. He may be a longshot to become the next Secretary of State, but my pick, over appointed Shirley Weber, who is endorsed by Planned Parenthood. She is endorsed by the OC Republican Party, the Lincoln Club, is the the Family Values Voter Guide, and on the recommendations of the Conservative Ballot Researchers,, and Scott Peotter. EVIL NEWSOM needs to be taken out of office. August Runoff 2022. Why gouge all visitors to LaPalma Hotels, by increasing to their taxes to 12%? HB City Attorney is an elected office who should answer to the public, not to the city politicians. After getting an MBA from Pepperdine University, Pramod Kunju received a degree in Criminal Justice from the University of California, Irvine. Comments: Not strong rec. Vote yes to help Denver increase walkability, reduce climate emissions, and support livable neighborhoods. . Comments: R-Incumbent. He prev served on the YL City Planning Commission, and also helped draft YLs 20 yr Core Plan for the city, so he knows YL well. COMMENTS: Oh boy, do we ever need LANHEE CHEN as our CA Controller! I think Term Limits are healthy for all elected offices. Using Robyns links, a voter can become an EDUCATED VOTER by having her tons of informational links AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. She is running to be a voice for parents, that is, for Parents to have Informed decisions of curriculum, policies and finances. The suit was initiated by a MV resident, having to do with terms of office. Endorsed by Anaheim Taxpayers Association, Anaheim Hillss Mayor Pro Tem, R- Trevor ONeil, Anaheim Councilmembers R- Stephen Faessel, R- Gloria Maae, R- Jose Diaz. This is Ballot Box legislating at its worst. Comments: Incumbent doing a good job and deserves to be re-elected. COMMENTS: ERIC CHING is a CONSERVATIVE PATRIOT, Mayor of the City of Walnut. Endorsed by conservative Mari Barke, President, OC Board of Education, conservative Lance Christensen, GOP candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction, conservative Kevin Kiley, State Assemblyman and candidate for California's 3rd Congressional District, LINCOLN Club of OC, and OC GOP. (Please do not vote for opponent, Beckie Gomez, who is a far left liberal and endorsed by Dem Party and the evil Planned Parenthood of OC. (Please do not vote even consider liberal-left, Stephanie Oddo, who is endorsed by the OC Dem Party and evil Planned Parenthood. Michigan Conservative Coalition. Comments: R-Incumbent doing a good job, and should be re-elected. No corporations, political party, or group supports our research or efforts. Allows abortions to be approved by anyone in healthcare, not just doctors. She opposes CRT being taught, and inappropriate Sex Ed. My research shows that in 2017, your city voted a temporary Sales Tax increase of 1% for 5 yrs to get the city out of trouble. She has done a good job and deserves to be re-elected. Comments: Endorsed by OC GOP. Shaders opponent, Tom Umberg, is Planned Parenthood endorsed. Pro-life. We search their voting records, public and social media statements, donations, who donated to them, and endorsements they made or made for them. Comments: R-Incumbent WANKE running unopposed. He said he even had to fight to keep an American flag on police cars. to make sure essential state services, including those for the environment, stay funded. Now, she is running for her 2nd term for Congress. Comments: The following 3 candidates come with strong recommendations. And, this tax on Pot Shops claims to fund traffic and law enforcement, but has loopholes that could allow funding to be diverted to citys general fund. I didnt recommend her in the Primary, but she had a big War Chest and greatly outspent a solid Conservative, Greg Raths, and ran a nasty campaign against him. She has a BA in Political Science and an MA in Public Administration. Our extensive research on each candidate includes evaluations of their conservative worldview on individual God-given rights, forced masking of children, government spending, crime, free enterprise, and deregulation. Email. A small businessman who served on Irvines School Board, then City Council and Irvines mayor, and as CA Assemblyman since 2016. Kim Bernice Nguyen and Vicente Sarmiento got 100% Rated by evil PLANNED PARENTHOOD. Additionally, Kamp and Vidrine are endorsed by evil Planned Parenthood of OC. My summary: MV City Councilmembers did noting wrong, The law was followed, and the suit should basically be ignored. A NO vote keeps the City Treasurer elected by the people.. Im voting for RICHTER. A NO Vote keeps the Common Sense requirement. Message and data rates may apply.
Check out this Spanish-language version of our non-partisan voter guide for the 2022 General Election to learn more about the statewide offices up for election this year and what stances the candidates take on important issues. (Please do not vote for Union-backed and Dem-endorsed Gary Prichard. In addition to choosing our next leaders, Colorado voters also have the opportunity to weigh in directly on several ballot measures. Dont forgettosubscribe to theHuey Reportnewsletterfor updates on critical election issues, trends and policies affecting our freedoms and are impacting our economy, legislation, culture and election results. (Please DO NOT VOTE for opponent, Donald Torres who is endorsed by OC Dem Party and the evil Planned Parenthood of OC). Got 5 STARS (highest rating) from Conservative, Craig Huey. Comments: Better of the 2. Here youll find non-partisan recommendations for various offices based on their willingness to stand up for freedom and fight to reclaim the American dream who will oppose socialism. Interesting! A disabled veteran who served in Army after 9-11 attack, Yu is a small businessman specializing in trade, Investments and consulting. Is a CPA in his day job. . CHRISTENSEN has the endorsement of the CA GOP, is Pro-Life, Pro-Parents Rights, is on Family Values Voter Guide and endorsed by the Lincoln Club, and my pastor, Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel of Chino Hills, and is very familiar with the CA Ed Code. Sadly, Gunderson is NOT Pro-life! 511 - Chicago, IL 60690 312-422-9300 - [email protected] We oppose Proposition 121 because it takes tax dollars to do good work for the environment and communities. She is the appointed incumbent. Comments: Experienced, knowledgeable incumbent known to be doing a good job. JENNIFER RICHTER is a Republican, and endorsed by the OC GOP, running against D-incumbent Barbara Shulman, who is union-backed and Dem-endorsed. We also look at their biblical worldview, views on family, school choice/homeschooling, and much more. A Controller is supposed to be an independent fiscal WATCHDOG, ie, the person who makes sure taxpayer moneyOUR moneyis spent as were told it will be. Little info avail. (Opponent Stephanie Wade is Dem endorsed and evil Planned Parenthood of OC). She is running against Randy Hill, whose wife, Diana, is an entrenched School Board incumbent which parents group want out, bc of liberal bent. BONDS are the WORST way to get funds, bc it is SO EXPENSIVE, paying back more than double what was borrowed. What is the Controllers job, you ask? She is committed to the position, has a real heart for it, and will continue to do great job. She is running against Liberal DEM, KIM CARR in this newly drawn 36th Senate District. The closest I could find is FISCAL Conservative, PETER BLAKE, who is a Declined-to-State candidate, but who is fairly Conservative, on social issues, too. She lost, but an easy recommendation here. Endorsed by OC GOP and LINCOLN Club of OC. He grew up in YL, loves the city and will make an EXCELLENT Yorba Linda City Councilmember. License to carry a handgun. ), Comments: Endorsed by OC GOP, Mayor Austin Lumbard, Tustin Councilman Ryan Gallagher, Former Tustin Councilman Jim Palmer, and 5 former Tustin Mayors. Greg Abbott Photo courtesy of Gov. Newbie to elective office, but long time, active resident. Endorsed by OC GOP, Sheriff Don Barnes, Supervisor Don Wagner, former Mayor Tita Smith, Councilmembers Kim Nichols, and Jon Dumitru, the City of Orange Police Association and the Orange City Firefighters. Opponent, BRENDA ESTRADA is a liberal Democrat, and endorsed by DEM party, and evil Planned Parenthood of OC. Comments: JON PEAT was an effective and successful Conservative leader on the Cypress City Council for the past 8 years, and wants to continue using his leadership skills to serve the community, as a Board Trustee for the Cypress School District. He said he was 10,000 % PRO-LIFE. Ballot measure 307 would establish an annual fee on property owners to fund sidewalk repair in a more effective and equitable way. Note: We do not take money from any candidate for their endorsement. All rights reserved. 2022 Conservative Index. His opposition, Beshai is Democrat. ), and she solidly fit, better than my previous recommendation. Endorsed also by Conservative Craig Huey w/highest rating of 5 stars. the Lincoln Club, OC Sheriff Don Barnes and others. YL could face third-party lawsuits and end up spending millions on attorneys and settlement fees, and there could be legal challenges to prev Measure B, which could remove the right to vote on land-use issues. Taught at UCI at the post-graduate level and hold professional engineering licenses in electrical and nuclear engineering. Make a plan to vote and turn in your ballot by Nov. 8. to support giving voters a fuller picture of taxes in Colorado. I think a new set of eyes, familiar w/construction is healthy. In this case, thats Lyft, the ride-hailing company that has thus far poured $15 million into the initiative campaign in hopes that wealthy taxpayers will subsidize the firms transition to electric vehicles. She is advocating to get back to the CORE subject in GG education and says there is so much LACK of TRANSPARENCY at her district. This would slow or put a halt to any development in these areas. Others, NO). Please do not vote for current incumbent, Nicole Colon. Comments: Meas H would impose a lifetime limit of 3 terms for Santa Ana Unified School Dist. Background: The existing prev voter-approved Transient Occupancy (TOT) Tax of a whopping 15%, generates $167 million dollars each year for Anaheim from hotels/motels. Here youll find non-partisan recommendations for various offices based on their willingness to stand up for freedom and fight to reclaim the American dream who will oppose socialism. The measure, and several similar in other cities, is sponsored by UniteHere Local 11 UNION. If the measure fails, Sacramento bureaucrats would likely penalize the city and implement their own housing plan without Yorba Lindas input. Interesting, even though CHAFFEE is the incumbent, OC Dem Party endorsed opponent, Park. Allows late-term & partial-birth abortions. Note: It is important to vote ONLY the following slate of 4 OUTSTANDING CONSERVATIVES. Please DO NOT vote for LAUREN KLATZKER, who is endorsed by OC Dem Party. Whether you are looking for VOTER RECOMMENDATIONS (to just fill in), or RESOURCES TO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, ROBYN NORDELL has it ALL! Vote ONLY: BURNS, McKEON, STRICKLAND, & VanDerMARK. Proposition GG helps by requiring more transparency on ballot measures. Comments: OC GOP Endorsed. . COMMENTS: I have supported R-JANET NGUYEN in several previous elections. Therefore, recommending MIKE SCHAEFER. Comments: While you CAN vote for up to 3, I suggest to VOTE ONLY for above 2 Candidates to help chance of winning. Most people arent absolutists on the subject, but support early abortions, but MOST VOTERS DO NO SUPPORT LATE TERM ABORTIONS. Instead, it is being paid by all those who VISIT ANAHEIM and stay in Anaheim hotels, like all those that visit Disneyland! Make a plan to vote and turn in your ballot by Nov. 8. We need PARENT ADVOCATES, not UNION advocates. Education: BA and MBA degrees in Business Administration, Masters in Public Administration, plus several degrees and certificates in finance. SEYARTO is endorsed by the REPUBLICAN Parties of Counties of Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego. If in Dist 4, ya gotta Vote of Barbara George. Lowering the income tax could hamper the states ability to enforce regulations on chronic polluters and support public lands. Comments: Solid Republican Conservative, fically and socially, endorsed by a slew of local elected officials, like CA Assemblywoman Laurie Davies, former Assemblywoman & CA Bd of Equalization Member Diane Harkey, Derek Reeve, Current SJC Mayor SJC, Current SJC Mayor Pro Tem Howard Hart, SJC City Councilman John Taylor, Former SJC Mayors: Sam Allevato, Phill Schwartze, SJC Planning Commission Chair, Tammy Wilhelm, and Commissioners Matt Gaffney and Anna Dickinson, and Ted Rosenfeldt, SJC Parks and Recreation Commission. ), No Martin Buchannan (D Newsom) - (YES Won! BIG FAT NO! But, Yorba Linda is MANDATED by CA State law to designate areas for housing, and the city voters get to decide WHERE those housing units are placed. Even the liberal LA TIMES says NO on 28 for budgetary reasons. Click here for a printable versionConservative Republican Voter Guide. She is a bank Executive by trade and currently serves as Deputy Mayor of Lancaster. Comments: Meas N seeks to weaken the office of the City Attorney, by forcing the City Attorney to bow to the direction of the City Council in all legal matters, rather than providing independent opinions. Comments: Declined to State incumbent, GARY TAYLOR running unopposed. This is out-of-town unions trying to impose their will on Laguna Beach businesses. Comments: There are NO Conservatives, NOR any Republicans in this race, only 2 Democrats. CHEN is promises to Protect Taxpayers from Fraud (thats main reason hes running! Comments: Endorsed by the OC GOP, HB Republican Assembly, and LINCOLN CLUB of OC. But, if I lived in Dist 3, the better of the 2 candidates is Democrat, NATALIE RUBALCAVA, per fellow conservative, Robyn Nordell. Note: These Water and Special Districts are often difficult to research, as many dont have campaign sites, and sometimes dont have a ballot statement. But other Dem Candidate looks really liberal, too, though. In 2017, Meuser joined the Dhillon Law Group (Harmeet Dhillon, who is often on FOX News, and the Center for American Liberty) where he has focused on Election, Political, and Constitutional Law. Little known. My impression of Gennaway is that he is young, energetic, and seems enthusiastic to serve w/ a real bull-dog spirit to do the right thing. No more rising Real Estate taxes for Capo School residents. Note Only: For 2nd and 3rd spots, Jason Gray and Ashton Kauwe are Registered Republicans. But I also liked KATE SANCHEZ, too. ), and the CA Republican Party, NEWSOM Quote - Prop. So, your call! (DO NOT VOTE TIFFANY ACKLEY or PAYAL AVELLAN- Both are endorsed by the DEMOCARATIC PARTY), Comments: Current Mayor Pro Tem who took over after current elected mayor resigned. I think having this experience before serving as mayor is critical. We (l live in MV) have a city to run! Measure Z, on the surface, appears to allow for building new housing units-among them being affordable housing units. Do Not Vote. (Please do not vote even consider liberal-left, Stephanie Oddo, who is endorsed by the OC Dem Party and evil Planned Parenthood.). Comments: Incumbent doing a good job and deserves to be re-elected. More comments to follow. Click here for a printable versionConservative Republican VOTER GUIDE 2022 ; Spread the Word School... Gray and Ashton Kauwe are Registered Republicans, NO Martin Buchannan ( D NEWSOM ) - ( yes Won elected. Wade is Dem endorsed and evil Planned Parenthood of OC Don Barnes and others Kamp! 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